Penny Fraumeni ’68 Letter to the Board of Trustees

From: Penelope Fraumeni
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 7:43 PM
Subject: Letter

Mr. Santana,

You sir, and our entire Whittier College Board of Trustees, have currently failed all of us in so many ways.  Your most recent action of suspending Barbara Groce and Chris Cross from the board is unconceivable to all of us alumni!  They have served our beloved college with dignity and respect for many years, and because they expressed dissenting opinions, have been arbitrarily removed as Trustees.

The current President of Whittier College, Dr. Oubre, and the leadership of your board is despicable and truly disgusting.  Dr. Oubre is destroying, with the support of your board, the college that we know and love. She needs to be fired and released immediately.

My husband Vince and I have been loyal supporters of our Alma Mater for many years. We have both served as President of the Alumni Association and have been Class Agents  of ‘68 and ‘69 since our graduations.

Until President Oubre is removed and replaced with new leadership we are withdrawing Whittier College from our planned gift of a sizable endowed scholarship in our Will and Trust. We will only be giving to Purple and Gold and the Class of 1968 Scholarship Fund until she is permanently removed as President.

Your leadership as Board President is also quite disgusting and negligible during this current time of crisis.  We, as loyal alumni, implore you to act to change the leadership so we can “Save Whittier College” for future generations of students.


Penny Fraumeni
Class of 1968

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